While it will take several years for us to get back the wealth we lost in the Worldwide Financial Collapse, some will never get back what they lost.
Recently the Research company McKinsey took a survey of executives across the world and the results were that 25% felt things would get better by the end of June and 35% felt it would be in December. Now this does not mean we will return to where we were prior to the collapse but that we will be heading back in the right direction, banks will be lending more, and employment will improve. Some people will not return to work at the job they were last employed at.
We are also experiencing what is referred to as a paradigm shift. This means that the entire system has shifted. As an example when the Auto was invented, many were fired from jobs making buggy whips because not as many horses were around compared to Autos. Worldwide production of Buggy Whips is probably less than 5% of what it was in 1880 as a percentage of the population.
I am seeing a positive trend in Social Capitalism which is similar to Social Enterpreneuring. In both cases the leadership is not merely interested in financial profit but also in ecology, social improvement, and conservation of natural resources.
One such group is INSE. That is International Network of Social Entrepreneurs and it is led by an amazing man - Christophe Poizat of France