Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tyranny and Democracy

There is some confusion in the World about Democracy. Pure Democracy has the majority ruling. The type of Democracy we have in the USA is different than that. We have a Supreme Court where people are elected for life or until they tire of the job. We have the President that can run for office for a 4 year term and can run again for a total of 8. While I do not think it has happened yet, it would be possible to have a President run for office after taking 4 years off. Ex Presidents sometimes do better than when they were in office. President Carter certainly did. President Clinton is now considered by many to be the President of the World. I guess Hillary keeps him really busy so he doesn't discover any more "young and talented" ladies.
As Secretary of the State in this wonderful time of Freedom Fighters, she may end up in History as being more prolific than she would have been as President. The President gets to make some choices but rarely gets to make them one at a time. No matter what he or she does, someone will complain. Such is life in a Democracy. Every President in my life has come out of office looking 3 years older for every year he was in. There are perks to be sure but did you know the Presidential family must pay for their own food?
Here in the USA we have heard that since 9/11/1 America has been waiting for the Moderate followers of Islam to speak out. I think I am beginning to hear them and they have been talking to the world. Google, Facebook, Twitter, email, cell phones, there are even plans for sat-com that will make ISP free for those who can not afford it. Then we really can have total public education.
I am very sure that there are places in the USA, Canada, and EU where it is costing over $30,000 USD/yr to educate a child from K-12. They can ask for this because they will not take everyone in. On the other hand in India, the World's largest Democracy, they budget $300 USD/child per year for public schools. That looks unattainable to some countries in under-developed regions of the World.
Why is there War? Well it all started with Zero Sum. Probably as soon as man stood erect it was discovered that there were many different animals, including man, foraging for the same food. The conclusion was that food was scarce and should be horded for lean times. If you lived in an area where there were severe winters you got really good at this. Now add to that the fact that some people were smarter than others. Now nobody really thought that much about what they were doing as they had now writing and really very little vocabulary. They grunted a bunch.
I hate to tell you this but there was another reason that became popular. It was slavery and yes there is lots of slavery still in the world today. Some is blatant and some is disguised. If you are in debt, that is a form of slavery. This is another area where greed applies. People who have power usually have wealth. The more they have the more they want. They keep saying it is because of Zero Sum. They have a family to support and the family deserves to have the finest in life because they are Royalty. This is an arbitrary designation and it is time to send it the same direction of tyranny.
I am proud of Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, and any other Freedom Fighters that are standing against tyranny. IT is not easy to do Democracy but it is all in the term limits. I believe in you. Love & Peace, Deborah