Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Peace on Earth by 2027

Hi, my wonderful friends,

I am starting to get serious about developing my Peace Project. My web site at peace2027.ning.com will gradually be developed to list all the many projects that are leading us toward our goal of establishing Peace on Earth by 2027. As many of you know, my slogan is Education + Prosperity = Peace.
I have a company named Prosperity Coalition LLC which enables me to do many things. Some involve charities and some involve business. Many projects I will be doing in the future will combine both along with public funds from the UN & other government sources.
I have decided that we need a new system of Education for the new global world. My system would be JIT education. Yes the same system that has been revolutionary in manufacturing & retailing can improve education. Just in Time = JIT. The old model, where we say someone will be a ___;
fill in the blank with Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, etc. and then think we can sit them in a college for years and they will be ready to earn money and practice their field of study, does not work anymore. Online education is here to stay and by 2012 it will be educating more people than "bricks & mortar" schools.
Check out www.elearningzoom.com to see what online education can do for you, your organization and/or your company.

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